Thursday, December 20, 2007

Alice's Focus Story for 12.21

Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Meles Zenawi, at the UN on Thursday

According to the BBC World News, UK, Ethipioan's Prime Minister Meles Zelawi, Thursday accused the United Nations of being counter - productive in the Somalia Crisis and hopes the UN will play a more "positive role" in the aid. The UN declared that for the last 16 years, Somalia has been in the one of worst humanitarian crisis's; over 60% of families have had to evacuate their homes. The UN has made safe-zones for over 1.5 million children affected by this conflict.

Meles Zenawi says the UN has been counter-productive, because they have been helping where it isn't needed, and sending aid into places they believe are in danger, but without evidence that there is a conflict. Zenawi says that "the situation there, as hard as it is, could do with less hype and exaggeration."

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