Thursday, January 29, 2009

Taliban demands end to music on pakistan buses

According the Times of India, bus drivers in Peshawar, Pakistan have started to take out their audio and video equipment out of the buses. This is because of Taliban militants threatening suicide attacks because of the equipment. In the town, Mardan, bus drivers received letters from militants saying that by providing audio and video entertainment, were guilty of (another word for spreading) “Vulgarity and Obscenity”(a quote from the letters) said Walid Mir, general secretary of the town's transport union.

Taliban militants have said that they are checking the buses for audio and video equipment. This has been prompting Mardan’s transport union to act as quickly as possible to avoid suicide attacks. The letters have been very threatening. Here is a quote.

“It is obligatory on us to stop such violations. We request you to remove the vulgar systems ... otherwise suicide bombers are ready,'' the letter said

I find this very disturbing because people’s freedoms are being violated. Here is the link to the article:

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