Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Anti-terrorist demonstrations in Cyprus

By: Claire K.
Partner: Dayan

On Sunday, Feb. 8th, a group of ex-citizens of Sri Lanka organized one of the largest demonstrations by the Sri Lankan Welfare Association (SLWA). The anti-LTTE demonstration was held in Cyprus, and is being covered by many local news sources. The LTTE is a terrorist organization currently holding hundreds of Tamil civilians against their will, and is controlling the non-liberated parts of Mullaittivu. They have also organized more suicide bombings than any other known terrorist group. It was a peaceful rally though, in Nicosia city that included visiting local parliament, and giving the United Nations office in Cyprus a written statement explaining the situation of the LTTE’s (The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam) use of Wanni civilians as human shields. They also asked UN officials to take immediate action to save the people held by the LTTE.

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