Thursday, February 26, 2009

Zimbabwe Teachers to end strike: South Africa

BBC reported that, in Zimbabwe, the teachers strike has stopped. The government has agreed to reevaluate their salaries and try to get more money for the schools. The teachers have been asking to get their salary in foreign currency because their “dollar” (I don’t know the name of their currency in Zimbabwe) has been losing value. The new education minister, David Coltart has said that he asked for more than 450 million dollars in overseas aid for education.

"My single-minded goal is to get the schools reopened and teachers back at work," Mr. Coltart told the London-based Short Wave Africa independent radio station.

The president of the Zimbabwe Teachers Association, Tendai Chikoore, says the union was demanding that salaries must match other teachers in the region.

I think this is important because it shows teachers are now able to live better and as a result teach better in Zimbabwe. Teaching is one of the most important professions in the world.
By Mariah and Ana K.

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