Monday, January 7, 2008

President Saakashivili Re-elected

January 5th –nearly a year earlier than originally scheduled- Mikheil Saakashivili was re-elected for his second term as president of Georgia. The International Herald Tribute reported that President Saakashivili is on its way to becoming a democracy. IN Saakashivili interview with The International Herald Tribute he talked mostly about his future, his position on issues facing Georgia, and his commitment to democracy.

He narrowly won his second term in office, with 51.94 percent of the vote; his victory was announced late Sunday. His opponents think there may have been fraud and have promised protests. There were many instances of violations in the election held Saturday, including multiple voting, the general election was in agreement with democratic standards. The two opponents have remained civil in the public eye. The promise of democracy to this former Soviet republic has been long awaited and much needed.

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