Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Swede Cow Belching!

According to the Associated Press, Sweden has been given $590,000 to figure out how much methane is emitted whenever a cow burps. Cows emit many gases, but it is known that 95% of their gas by products come out as burps. Project Leader Jan Bertilsson of the Swedish University for Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala, about 40 miles North of Stickholm, told AP that they will give the cows different diets, and see how it affects the methane. The levels will be monitored by a device that is attached to their necks. But the Swedes are not the first to research this project, Canada has been involved in the problem for a while so they will be in touch further on in our project. The research is funded by a government research facility called Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning.

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