Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Price of Pot, now Prince of Prison

The Prince of Pot has now become the Prince of Prison. According to CTV GlobeMedia, the prominent marijuana activist Marc Emery is facing a life sentence in a US prison if extradited and convicted for selling marijuana seeds over the internet to US citizens. If not, he already faces a five year sentence in Canada. Mr. Emery has been openly selling marijuana seeds from his storefront in Vancouver since the 1990's. He has sold his goods with little complaint from anyone. He told the press, "It's a pretty severe deal for a non-violent first offender... There's been no crime, merely a law that's been broken. In Canada, it might be a $200 fine." Some believe the measures taken now are way beyond the punishment needed. Mr Emery believes that the Canadian government is just trying to become better friends with the US government, and is "basically licking the bootstraps of the Bush administration and the DEA, and outsourcing Canada's justice system to the United States..."

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